Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Our day at the beach

Finding seaweed!

More seaweed

Building a moat


Burying Mr Swindell

Working as a team

Looking at shells

Making another castle

A bit of relaxing!

Getting wet in the cold sea

Adding finishing touches

The paddling pool

Digging another hole!

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Olympic Flame

On Thursday 12th July we walked down to see the Olympic flame come through Blandford. 

We were lucky with the weather and it only rained at the end! 

Have a look to see what we got up to! 

Monday, July 9, 2012

How do you get to go to the Olympics?

 As part of our topic we wanted to find out how you get to go to the Olympics.

We started by thinking about our dreams and aspirations and how we can reach them.

We then began to think about athletes and what their dreams are at an Olympic games.

 We divided in 4 Ancient city states and competed against our own team to decide who was the best of the best. These 2 athletes went onto represent their city state in the final.

It didn't seem fair when some of us couldn't compete but we thought about this after we had finished and decided that only the best of the best could go!