Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Art - Clay work and sculpture

One of our learning journey questions has been - Where did the Olympics come from? 

So, this week we have been finding out! 

We have started by finding Greece on a world map and then used information and books to help us create a 3D sculpture of Greece. We had to look at the atlas very carefully and we noticed that the brown areas were higher than the green areas. We worked hard at creating this in our sculptures by building up certain areas. 

We got very sticky and messy! 

We then started to think about why they held the Olympics and which Ancient Greek gods were important. We learnt about 4 of them and even interviewed them! 

Finally, this week we have been developing our clay skills and learning how to knead, roll and shape the clay. We have created faces of the Gods and we even learnt how to roll things like strands of hair and then attach them using water. 

Have a look!

Olympic drama - Games for the Gods

We were very lucky to have the opportunity to watch The Tree House Theatre Company tell us all about the  ancient Olympics. 

We learnt about the different events in the ancient Olympic games and how people from each city state were chosen to take part. 

Did you know that women were not allowed to take part in the ancient games? 

Did you know that they sacrificed animals in honour of the Gods to give themselves victory in the games? 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Art - Developing our composition skills

Wow! We have been working ever so hard in our Art work this week.

After our walk into Blandford, we started to think about how to turn it into a finished piece of art work.

We learnt how to use a colour wash and how this gives us a background and a foreground. We had to work hard at this and we spent some time improving our first attempts!
Then came the hard part - sketching our original sketch onto the wash! We had to think about  where to put our sketch and how big to sketch them.
Our next job is to add the colour on top of this. We will be using watercolours to complete our finished piece of art work. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Art - Developing our painting skills

As part of British Arts Week, we have been thinking about developing our painting skills. We started today by exploring making secondary colours from the 3 primary colours, creating different shades of a colour by adding white and black and we explored adding different textures to paint. 

Now we need to think how this will help us create our own pieces of art work.

Exploring adding white and black to a colour

Adding different textures to acrylic paint

Mixing primary colours to find the secondary colours

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Introducing our British Artist - L.S Lowry

L.S Lowry lived from 1887 - 1976 and is well known for his paintings of urban landscapes with matchstick men in it. They often show everyday life and hold lots of interesting detail, especially if you look closely.

Moscow Base will be looking at Lowry as their British artist as part of Arts Week. 

PE - Sports Day

Oh my goodness me! What a fantastic day we had on our Sports day. Everyone entered into the spirit of the Jubilee and we had bunting, flags and Jubilee medals! 

We all took part in Jubilee races like the Jubilee Derby, Changing of the Guard, Skipping down the Mall and many more. Everyone had been practising and improving their skills in their PE lessons and that practice certainly paid off!

We all finished with a Jubilee picnic on the field. Fantastic! 

Athletics skills - Our mini Olympics

As part of the Olympic celebrations, we were invited to take part in an Olympic festival at The Blandford School.

We divided into groups and took part in lots of different activities like:

  • Orienteering
  • Football skills
  • Throwing activities
  • Golf
  • Seated volleyball
  • Speed Stacking
  • Tennis
The whole morning finished by watching a gym routine performed by another Year 2 class (we watched our Year 2 gym routine back at school!) and then we received our gold medals!