Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pirate Day in Year 1

Today was Pirate day in Year 1. 

We all came dressed as pirates and finished our learning journey for this half term! 

We have been busy using our DT skills by making cakes and thinking about how we make them, our Art skills by learning how to print and printing our own pirate hat and our Literacy skills through thinking about how to write a pirate poster. 

We have also been learning a story to tell to mums and dads. It is called 'The Night Pirates' and we learnt it through story making.

Hard at work at a 'Wanted' poster

Exploring which piece of treasure is the heaviest

Faith pausing to think about her writing target

Using the scales to decide which is heavier

Reading about Pirates!

The first finished Pirate cake

The finished product - Yum yum!

What shall I write next?

Thinking hard about my pirate

Adding the butter icing to the cakes

Printing a pirate head scarf

Printing again

Deciding on which colours to use

Getting ready to make a print

Busy writing about pirates

Our cooking master chef!

Which is heavier?

Welcome aboard Year 1 Pirate day!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Knock Knock, Who's There?

We have been looking at and reading a book called Knock Knock, Who's There? We have enjoyed learning the story and re telling the story and now we are ready to invent a new character to the story.

We have designed our new characters and have used the top tips to help us decide what we are going to write. We then practised talking through our plans today. 

Have a listen to some of them!






Monday, October 3, 2011

RE - Retelling The Creation Story

We have used story making to help us learn and retell a religious story. Here is our version of The Creation story.

We have also made our own story maps...come and have a look at them in the classroom.